Rea! Alice i spegellandet

Alice i Spegellandet

– Fortsättningen på Alice i Underlandet!

Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) är mest känd för den kultförklarade boken Alice i Underlandet, som gett upphov till mängder av musik, film, bevingade ord, litterära hänvisningar och mycket annat.

Vaktel förlags Alice i Spegellandet är försedd med de originalillustrationer av sir John Tenniel som förekom i bokens första upplaga. Lewis Carroll och John Tenniel vävde samman ord och bild till en enhet under arbetet på boken.

Här möter du bland andra den välkände Klumpe-Dumpe som satt på en mur, Valrossen som inspirerade John Lennon till låten ”I am the Walrus” och många andra figurer från den första boken. Den berömda tecknade Disney-filmen Alice i underlandet innehåller vissa delar av Alice i Spegellandet.

120.00 kr

Andra världskriget så alla förstår

Ny reviderad upplaga.

Den första upplagan av boken hade det dubbla syftet att förklara och beskriva andra världskriget i en form som är lättillgänglig även för intresserade utan större läsvana. Med denna andra, omarbetade upplaga, läggs större fokus vid att lyfta fram nya rön om andra världskriget utan att för den skull släppa det originella syftet.

Till formen är det fortfarande en populärvetenskaplig bok som kan läsas av alla, men späckad med nya rön om andra världskriget.

Boken har också anammats av många studiecirklar och historiekurser, både på gymnasie- och högskolenivå, då den ger en grundläggande baskunskap om andra världskriget samtidigt som den strävan efter att inkludera tankeväckande och intressanta detaljer och historier som inte kommit fram i annat än specialiserade faktaböcker.


”Berömvärd är detaljrikedomen, liksom redovisandet av olika uppfattningar om särskilda händelser och avgöranden under kriget. Författaren avlivar förekommande myter och beskriver obehagliga sanningar även vad den goda, allierade, sidan beträffar.”
– Bernt Blomgrens recension i Bibliotekstjänsts BTJ-häfte 1, 2008.

Fler böcker om andra världskriget hittar du genom att klicka här.

249.00 kr

Ardennerna 1944-1945 : Hitlers vinteroffensiv

Där andra skildringar av Ardennerslaget gör halt kring årsskiftet 1944-1945, tar Ardennerna 1944-1945: Hitlers vinteroffensiv med läsaren genom hela januari 1945. Ardennerslaget var nämligen inte slut bara för att Bastognes belägring hävdes (vilket brukar vara perspektivet i amerikanska skildringar), utan hårda och blodiga strider fortsatte att rasa under flera veckor på det nya året, innan det stod klart att tyskarna inte skulle lyckas. Den 4 januari 1945 anförtrodde t.ex. general Patton, utan tvekan en av de tuffaste generalerna på den allierade sidan, sin dagbok allvarliga farhågor: ”We can still lose this war”. Men även då återstod många hårda och blodiga slag, t.ex. pansarslagen vid Cherain och Oberwampach som förbigåtts i flertalet skildringar av striderna i Ardennerna vintern 1944-1945.

”En lysande, välskriven och grundlig genomgång av ett av andra världskrigets avgörande slag. Författaren har skrivit ett stort antal böcker om andra världskriget och är internationellt välrenommerad som expert.”
– Bibliotekstjänsts recension, november 2013, lektör: Tord Rönnholm

”Om man bara ska prata om EN bok om andra världskriget i år, så är det Ardennerna 1944-1945 av Christer Bergström.”
– Tobias Svanliden på Vetenskapsradion Historia i P 1 torsdag 19 december 2013.

350.00 kr

Arnhem 1944 – An Epic Battle Revisited. Vol. 1: Tanks and Paratroopers

”Christer Bergström’s two volumes on Market Garden is an excellent work. One of the best, if not the best, about Market Garden. That man has done a very good job.”
– Dr Jan Brouwer, acknowledged as one of the foremost experts on Operation Market Garden.

This is the ultimate book on ”Operation Market Garden”, by internationally highly acclaimed military historian Christer Bergström.

The in-depth research made by the author has resulted in many myths and misconceptions being convincingly dispelled, backed up by detailed source notes. In fact, these two volumes form a completely new image of the battle in the Netherlands in the autumn of 1944.

It was Cornelius Ryan who in 1974 put ”Market Garden” so to say ”on the map”. However, it is obvious that he had no time to go through his vast collection of first-hand material on ”Market Garden” before he so sadly passed away that same year. This is a mission that Christer Bergström has taken upon himself.

A torrent of new books about ”Market Garden” has been published since 1974, and many of its authors – all included – have done meritorious work in producing new research. But it appears quite obvious that nobody has previously tried to go through The Cornelius Ryan Collection in its entirety in order to publish to the public the important pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that Ryan produced but was never able to use in his book. But now it has been done, for the first time, in this book by Christer Bergström.

Bergström has made a painstaking research work for several years, interviewing veterans and others who participated or witnessed the battle. He has gone through all relevant documents in all relevant archives in the UK, the USA, Germany and the Netherlands, and that material forms the basis of his book.

But even more so: Cross-referencing both sides’ documents is absolutely crucial to form an opinion that is as close to the actual events as possible.

The major part of the archive material about the Second World War in official collections has now been made accessible, but this has obviously not been enough – for several reasons. To begin with, we have the fact that the German side destroyed most of its remaining military documents at the end of the war. Even if Germany’s Bundesarchiv has an impressive collection of documents from the Second World War at its disposal, it only constitutes a small part of the German military documents that were produced during the war. This is especially true for the last years of the war. In order to get as good an image as possible from the German side, I have during the last few decades had access to large quantities of first-hand material (documents from the war) from private collections – veterans, veterans’ associations, collectors, etc.

”Volume One of Arnhem 1944 is a solid hit. Christer Bergström gets high marks for original research,  comprehensive orders of battle, and interactive QR codes that immerse the reader into the heat of battle. This puts a whole new face on Market-Garden.”
– Andy Nunez, editor of Against the Odds Magazine.


”Well-written, captivating and detailed … describes the brutal reality of war, which nevertheless does not have any negative impact on the dramatic description. A most exciting reading experience.”

– Svensk Bibliotekstjänst (Swedish Library Service), on Volume 1.


”Military-historian Christer Bergström treats the source material with excellence and puts common images and myths of this battle into question. An extensive source and note list, photos, fact boxes, QR-coded film and sound clips supplement the text of this impressive work in two volumes about operation Market Garden. In summary – brilliant.”

– Svensk Bibliotekstjänst (Swedish Library Service), on Volume 2.

Christer Bergström enjoys the reputation of being one of the world’s foremost experts on the Second World War. He has published 31 books on the subject, most of them in English. Through his indepth research work, he has moved the borders of our knowledge forward in many fields – e.g. the Ardennes offensive, the Battle of Britain, the Eastern Front. Now the turn has come to Operation Market Garden.

This is a Multimedia Book with text, sound and film

This is the first out of two volumes.

See Volume 2 here.

See the Swedish edition of Volume 1 (published in 2017) here.

Order your copy directly at

Softcover special price for the 80th Anniversary of Market Garden:

Per volume:
SEK 249.00
GBP£ 19.99
USD$ 24.99
EUR 21.99

Both softcover volumes – one price for both:
SEK 399.99
GBP£ 33.99
USD$ 40.99
EUR 36.99

Plus postage

Order your copy directly at

Note: There is a limited number of hard cover books and size 210 x 155 mm   

Ordinary price per copy: £31.90 / $41.90 USD /37.90 EUR

399.00 kr

Arnhem 1944 – slaget om Holland. Del 1: Pansar och fallskärmsjägare

Denna bok ger den hittills mest kompletta genomgången av operation ”Market Garden”. Många invanda föreställningar ställs på huvudet av nya, tidigare okända fakta. Här ges även den tyska sidan lika stort utrymme som den allierade sidan. De brittiska och amerikanska pansaroperationerna beskrivs också mer ingående än i de flesta skildringar av Market Garden.

”Välskriven, medryckande och detaljerad … återger krigandets hantverk och oglamorösa verklighet, vilket ändå inte förtar dramatiken och läsupplevelsen som mycket spännande.”
– Ur Bibliotekstjänsts recension.


”Mytbildningen om den senaste stora konflikten i Europa är ganska bastant. Christer Bergström har grävt djupare än de flesta andra forskare som studerat andra världskriget. Han godtar inte alla gängse officiella förklaringar av skeendena utan tar fram fakta som tidigare varit okända från både den tyska och den allierade sidan för att få fram en mer nyanserad skildring.

Christer Bergströms insatser att ta död på de ”fake news” som präglar mycket av de propagandistiska skildringar av andra världskriget som mättar marknaden är beundransvärda. Att hans sätt att presenterade dem görs på ett spännande och intressant sätt försämrar inte saken.”

– Per Magnusson i DAST Magazin, 21 dec 2017.

379.00 kr

Arnhem 1944 – slaget om Holland. Del 2: Den förlorade segern

Alla andra skildringar av operation Market Garden avslutar huvudberättelsen precis efter evakueringen av de brittiska luftburna förbanden från Oosterbeek – varför det inte framgår att operation Market Garden vid den tidpunkten fortfarande var att betrakta som i huvudsak en stor framgång. Det var först den följande händelseutvecklingen (bl.a. pansarslaget vid Overloon i oktober 1944) som gjorde att den strategiska framgången med Market Garden inte kunde utnyttjas till att avsluta kriget före årsskiftet.

Det sistnämnda är en historia som aldrig förr berättats, och som beskrivs och analyseras i detalj i Del 2 av ”Arnhem 1944”.

”En tät, med nerv och känsla berättad samt faktamässigt rik och detaljerad beskrivning av striderna … När det gäller frågan om misslyckandet redovisar och resonerar Christer Bergström, författare och militärhistorisk skribent, kring de olika källorna, såväl första- som andrahands, på ett sakligt sätt som ifrågasätter gängse påståenden/myter men också ger insikt i att operationens markvinster var betydelsefulla för den fortsatta allierade krigföringen. En omfattande käll- och notförteckning, foton, faktarutor, QR-kodade film- och ljudklipp kompletterar texten i detta imponerande svenska arbete i två volymer om operation Market Garden. Sammanfattningsvis – lysande.”

– Ur Bibliotekstjänsts recension.

Detta är en multimedia-bok med text, film och ljud!






Del 1 – ”Pansar och fallskärmsjägare” – utkom i november 2017.

379.00 kr
Berömda flygaress och deras plan

Berömda flygaress och deras plan

Möt bland andra tysken Erich ”Bubi” Hartmann med 352 luftsegrar, japanen Saburo Sakai och ryssen Boris Safonov. Den senare lyckades i sitt långsamma Polikarpov-plan överträffa de bästa Spitfirepiloterna under slaget om England.

Andra legendarer som porträtteras är Robert Stanford Tuck ”Odödlige Tuck” – det brittiska flygvapnets kanske främsta ess under andra världskriget, amerikanen ”Hub” Zemke som gick från hackkyckling till nationalhjälte, den Hans-Ulrich Rudel som flög 2 500 stridsuppdrag, samt många fler.

189.00 kr

Black Cross Red Star – Air War over the Eastern Front : Volume 2 – Two Turning Points, December 1941 – May 1942

Newly arrived! Order now!


Shipping world-wide: For customers outside of Sweden: Order at

Price: USD$ 99/ 90 EUR / GBP£ 82 / AUD 163 / 139 Canadian dollar

The very much asked for, most extensively updated, and very much expanded completely new edition of Black Cross Red Star Volume 2.

This new edition of Volume 2 is so heavily updated and expanded that it more or less is a completely new book!

ISBN: 978-91-88441-89-8


From the content:
* The contribution of the Soviet Air Force to the counteroffensive at Moscow
* The Luftwaffe’s crucial role in halting the Red Army’s counteroffensive
* Dogfight over the “Ice Road” to Leningrad
* The Air Bridge to Demyansk
* Annihilation from the air at Crimea
* Air Battle over Kharkov


* 384 pages in large format (A 4), hardcover.

* 340 photographs, many from pilot veterans’ photo albums and which have never been published before.

* Very clear maps: Most of the places mentioned in the book are on the maps.

* Aircraft color profiles by Jim Laurier.

* Photos of most of the aircraft that are listed on the inside of the dustjacket.

* Appendices.


Click below to read an excerpt from the book:


* Links to Authentic film clips from the air war on the Eastern Front in 1942.

The Black Cross/Red Star book series is the only documentation of the true air battle on the Eastern Front during World War II, based on a wealth of primary sources from both sides as well as interviews with a large number of veterans from both sides.


The first edition of Volume 2 received overwhelmingly positive reviews. One example:

“The work masterfully combines the combat experiences of both Soviet and German airmen into a coherent narrative. For years, historians and general readers were aware of the exploits of a number of the German ace fighter pilots. This work certainly gives them their due, providing much new and enlightening information in the process. Perhaps the book’s most significant contribution lies in finally recognizing the achievements and sacrifices of the airmen (and airwomen) of the VVS. In some cases, the authors have been able to fully reconstruct both sides of an air battle, nearly 60 years after the event—certainly a remarkable example of historical detective work.”

– Richard R. Muller, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, in Aerospace Power Journal, Summer 2002.


At Stone & Stone, Black Cross Red Star, the first edition Volume 2 was voted as the No. 1 military history book of the year for the second year in a row.

The first edition of Volume 2 was published twenty years ago and was sold out rapidly. Since no new edition was published, it has become a rarity, with the price never below three-digit figures in Euro or USD. Today, the price at for the first edition of Volume 2 is US$ 955.25!


This new edition of Volume 2 is so heavily updated and expanded that it more or less is a completely new book!

The first edition was based on the amount of research undertaken by the authors in the late 1990s. Christer Bergström has continued his in-depth research into the subject ever since then, and the result is a new edition of Black Cross/Red Star, Volume 2 that exceeds the first edition regarding the quality of the material to the point that the new edition actually is a completely new book.

The first edition contained a maximum of 100,000 words. The second edition not only has much higher quality as far as the research is concerned but also contains twice that word count, a very large number of absolutely new photos (many of which are from pilot veterans’ photo albums and have never been published before), printed in the same high quality as in Volumes 1, 4 and 5.


Go to the new edition of Volume 1

Go to Volume 4

Go to Volume 5

A new and heavily updated edition of Volume 3 will be published in 2024.





990.00 kr

Black Cross Red Star – Air War over the Eastern Front : Volume 3: Stalingrad – The Air Battle. June-November 1942

Published in December 2024!

Shipping world-wide: For customers outside of Sweden: Order at

”When our fuel was running low, we flew homeward at high altitude and met a Soviet bomber that was heading west, probably to attack our airfields. I went into position behind him, aimed at the gunner and fired until he stopped firing, probably having been hit. Then I left the plane to my wingman, who shot it down. One of the crewmembers managed to save himself by taking to his parachute. We circled around him for about 15 minutes to see where he came down, and if he was captured. Our infantry ran to the place and captured the guy.”

– Hermann Graf, German fighter pilot, describes an air combat over Stalingrad on September 10, 1942.


This new edition of Volume 3 of Black Cross Red Star contains more than twice the word count of the 2006 edition, a very large number of new photographs (many of which are from pilot veterans’ photo albums and have never been published before), and so much new material that it is more a completely new book than an updated edition.


The Black Cross Red Star series is the only detailed series where accounts from the opposing sides are cross-checked with corresponding reports from the other side, and which at the same time gives an overall account of the entire air war in the East.

”One of the best books of the year!”
– Review by Bill Stone at Stone & Stone’s Second World War Books.

Regarded as the standard work on the air war over the Eastern Front during World War II, Christer Bergström’s unique Black Cross/Red Star series covers the history of the air war on the Eastern Front in close detail, with the perspectives of both sides. Based on a close study of German and Russian archive material, as well as interviews with a large number of the airmen who participated in this aerial conflict, it has established itself as the main source on the air war on the Eastern Front.

The author has studied the air war over the Eastern Front for several decades. This work is based on primary sources from both sides and interviews conducted by the author with a large number of veterans from both sides.

* 389 photographs, many from pilot veterans’ photo albums and which have never been published before.

* Very clear maps: Most of the places mentioned in the book are on the maps.

* Aircraft color profiles by Jim Laurier.

* Photos on the inside of the dustjacket of most of the aircraft types mentioned in the book.

* Appendices.

* Links to authentic film clips from the air war on the Eastern Front in 1942.

* 384 pages

* Hardcover

* Large format (A 4)

ISBN: 978-91-89597-06-8

Crowdfunding: USD$ 120 for a personally signed and specially numbered crowdfunder’s edition.
Ordinary price: USD$ 85 / 79 EUR / GBP£ 68 / AUD 130 / 116 Canadian dollar


Shipping world-wide: For customers outside of Sweden: Order at

849.00 kr

Black Cross Red Star – Air War over the Eastern Front : Volume 6, August 1943 – February 1944

To be published in 2025!

Shipping world-wide: For customers outside of Sweden: Order at

This is the direct continuation of Volume 5 in the Black Cross Red Star series. This volume covers the hitherto fairly unknown, dramatic air war on the Eastern Front between August 1943 and February 1944.


Read more about the book here:


From the content:

* The fate of female ace Lidiya Litvyak

* The drive to the Dnepr

* Soviet airborne drop behind the Dnepr

* ”Bully” Lang’s 18 kills in one day examined

* The final air battles over Leningrad

* Air fighting over German convoys in the Far North



ISBN: 978-91-89597-13-6

384 pages


Large format (A 4)

Hundreds of photos, many of which have never been published before

Many large and clear maps

Aircraft color profiles


Note: The cover image seen here is only provisional, as the artwork for the cover has not yet been completed.


Crowdfunding: USD$ 120 for a personally signed and specially numbered crowdfunder’s edition.
Ordinary price: USD$ 85 / 79 EUR / GBP£ 68 / AUD 130 / 116 Canadian dollar


Shipping world-wide: For customers outside of Sweden: Order at mailto:


849.00 kr