SS-pansar i strid på öst- och västfronten : Historien om 10. SS-Panzer-Division 1943-1945

”Erfarenheterna från deras första stridskontakt förberedde dem inte för situationen på östfronten. Tysk propaganda om seger på slagfältet försvann snabbt ur deras medvetande då de såg sina slagna kamrater. Enligt SS-untersturmführer Hans-Dietrich Sauter, adjutanten för första bataljonen i 10. SS-pansarartilleriregementet, ”syntes förvåningen och tvivlet i varje ung soldats ansikte.”

Tyska 10. SS-pansardivisionen var något så ovanligt som en SS-pansardivision som inte har begått några kända krigsförbrytelser, och som heller inte anklagats för några sådana. Trots att de bar de ökända SS-runorna under kriget, har veteranerna i denna elitdivision fått erkännande av sina forna brittiska och franska motståndare för sin humana behandling av krigsfångar och civila.

Divisionen bildades 1943 och deltog i några av de hårdaste striderna på de flesta av andra världskrigets skådeplatser i Europa – östfronten, Normandie, Arnhem, vid vinteroffensiven i Elsass och i slutstriden om Berlin 1945.

Författaren Dieter Stenger är en tidigare amerikansk marinsoldat, sedan flera år verksam vid U.S. Army Center of Military History. Denna bok är resultatet av Stengers mångåriga forskningsarbete i ett stort antal arkiv, inklusive privatarkiv, och ger en fullständig krönika över denna pansardivision och dess soldater. Genom ett stort antal ögonvittnesskildringar och personöden framträder kriget i all sin fruktansvärda verklighet.

En helt unik närbild av en SS-pansardivision i strid.

Storformat, över 300 bilder! Många tydliga kartor.



Recension av Bibliotekstjänst:

”Till grund för den här boken ligger ett rikt källmaterial omfattande allt som berörde den aktuella divisionen från dess uppsättande 1943 till det kaosartade upplösandet i och med slutstriderna nära Berlin 1945. Författaren Dieter Stenger är amerikansk militärhistoriker. Här finns allt om 10. SS-Panzer-Division ’Frundsberg’ … öst- och västfronten, med livfullt berättande inslag utifrån deltagares minnesbilder från särskilda stridshändelser… Särskilt läsvärda och intressanta är berättelserna om divisionens insatser i Normandie, Ardenneroffensiven och slutstriderna på tysk mark. … Ett stort bildmaterial ingår. Översättningen är utmärkt. Veterligen var denna SS-enhet aldrig inblandad i övergrepp och omvittnad som juste av motståndare. Svensken Sven-Erik Olsson, divisionschefens signalist, omnämns i boken.”

– Bernt Blomgren i BTJ-häftet nr 24, 2018.

325.00 kr

Stalingrad – New Perspectives on an Epic Battle. Vol. 1: The Doomed City

With this work in two volumes, very much in the concept of the Stalingrad battle will change!

“In my fifty-seven years of reading, this is one of the best books I have ever read,
as far as military history concerns.”
– Robert Peterson, Second Chance Games, on Stalingrad, New Perspectives on an Epic Battle, Vol. 1.

Stalingrad was the largest and most fateful defeat of the German army during World War II. Nothing affected the self-confidence of the German army and the mood of the population as much as this.

For this reason, much of the history writing about Stalingrad is largely incorrect. In the Western world, German officers came to dominate the story about the war on the Eastern Front during World War II, and as a result, historical facts have been deliberately distorted, and much has been swept under the carpet. In order to find the real story, it is necessary to go to the primary sources – on both sides! Christer Bergström has done this, and he has also interviewed a large number of the veterans who participated in the battle.

Among much that is addressed in Volume 1, there is to be found:

* Why was Stalingrad so important?
* The unknown German defeat in the first battle of Stalingrad.
* How Finland (!) negatively affected the battle of Stalingrad for the Germans.
* How the Red Army learned and developed new operational skills.
* The Luftwaffe’s largest and never before discussed mistake in 1942.
* Soviet ”death soldiers.”

In addition, many myths are dismantled and the truth revealed, for example:

* The myth of the Red Army’s blocking troops.
* The myth that the Red Army voluntarily withdrew.
* The myth that the Germans arrogantly tried to bite off more than they could chew.
* The myth of the importance of Lend-Lease supplies from the United States to the Soviet Union.
* The myth of “Hitler’s mistakes”.

In general, this is a thorough reassessment and analysis of much of what is said to be the German ”mistakes” during this campaign.

This is Christer Bergström’s 40th book on World War II.


This work on the ground war during the Battle of Stalingrad is the continuation of Christer Bergström’s previous book Operation Barbarossa 1941 : Hitler against Stalin and supplements his Black Cross/Red Star series about the air war on the Eastern Front.

“Christer Bergström is recognized as a prominent expert on the Second World War, not least concerning the Eastern Front. Bergström’s book is so extensive, profound, and detailed that I am totally taken aback.”

– Kjell E. Genberg in DAST Magazine on Christer Bergström’s previous book Operation Barbarossa 1941: Hitler against Stalin.


ISBN: 978-91-88441-56-0

330 pages
Size 155 × 230 mm
Illustrated with many previously unsees photos
Large and clear maps
QR codes with relevant film clips


Read a free excerpt from the book – click here.

See info about Stalingrad, Vol. 2 here.

Ships worldwide. To order – just email

Price per copy: USD$49.00 / EUR 46.00, plus postage

OR USD$ 84.00 / EUR 76.00 for one copy of each of the two volumes, plus postage.

Personally signed copies by the author also available!


For book retailers: E-mail



520.00 kr

Svenska flygare i strid under andra världskriget : Svenskar i Luftwaffe, RAF, US Air Force och finska flygvapnet 1939-1945

”När den knappt 22-årige stockholmaren Ralph Häggberg spakade sitt tvåmotoriga brittiska Whirlwind-jaktplan över den engelska sydostkusten omkring klockan halv två den här eftermiddagen, visste han inte vad som väntade honom. I luften ovanför kretsade ett tjugotal Messerschmitt 109 ur JG 2 ”Richthofen” – eskadern som fått sitt namn efter den berömde Manfred von Richthofen, ”Röde Baronen”. En av de mest erfarna Messerschmittförarna i detta förband var löjtnant Egon Mayer, som sedan krigsutbrottet hade genomfört över 150 stridsuppdrag och tillskrivits 28 bekräftade luftsegrar.  När Mayer fick se sju Whirlwinds dyka fram ur en molnglugg alldeles i närheten av de tyska fartygen, gav han en varning över radion till sina kamrater, och sedan sköt han fram styrspaken och började dyka…”

Håkan Gustavsson, författare till ett stort antal högt ansedda flyghistoriska böcker, har grävt djupt i arkiven för att hitta den sanna historien om de svenska flygare om deltog i strid i Luftwaffe, RAF, US Air Force och finska flygvapnet under andra världskriget. Här presenteras för första gången detta tidigare okända svenska kapitel om andra världskriget.





379.00 kr

The Ardennes 1944-1945 – Hitler’s Winter Offensive Revisited, Volume I


When Christer Bergström published the first English edition of his ground-breaking mammoth work The Ardennes 1944-1945: Hitler’s Winter Offensive in 2014, it hit the World War II community with the impact of an earthquake. Based upon tremendous research into primary sources and interviews with very many of the veterans, this book turned the previous image of the Battle of the Bulge completely upside-down.

Although tearing apart many myths that surrounded this battle it has hardly received any negative criticism – with such scrutiny has the author treated the sources and source references. This book has been called the new main reference work on the battle. It still remains at the very edge of historical research on this epic battle.

Especially the veterans from the Battle of the Bulge have praised the work as completely outstanding.

”At last a book which tells the truth about the Battle of the Bulge. It was a living hell!”

– That was the reaction on the book by Cornelius French, a veteran from U.S. 6th Armored Division ”The Super Sixth” in the Battle of the Bulge. This reaction is the typical by the many veterans from both sides that have read the book.

Among other overwhelmingly positive reviews, here is a small sample:

”The book is a tremendously accurate portrayal of a pivotal WWII winter battle in unforgiving forested terrain. Thank you very much for your effort.”

– Review by U.S. veteran from the Battle of the Bulge Colonel John M. Nolan, 30th Infantry Division.

”Overall, Bergstrom’s book probably ranks as the single best volume, with the most meat, the most photos, the best ancillary material, and the best maps.”

– Review by Bill Stone at Stone & Stone Second World War Books, 21 December 2014.

”I have never read a more outstanding World War II book. The most interesting thing about the book is that some previous assertions have to be revised, such as that the Battle of the Bulge was over when the Patton relieved Bastogne. Other news is that Manteuffel considered the plan to be ’brilliant.’ There is much, much more of the same kind! Many myths are convincingly dispelled. It is amazing how the author has been able to obtain all this credible and detailed information.”

– Review by Lars Navander, lieutenant colonel and former Intelligence Officer at the Swedish Headquarters.

Read more reviews on the book by clicking here.

The first two editions of The Ardennes 1944-1945, a mammoth book of over 500 pages in A4 size, have been sold out. With this new edition, the book is divided into two volumes.

This new Volume I deals with the background of and the build-up for the offensive, the surprising German strike, and the tremendous – and previously overlooked – German successes during the first period of the offensive. The previously covered-up German successes and American failures are presented and detailed and carefully analyzed.

The new Volume II deals with various turning points in the battle:

First the failure of SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper, the Allied Air Force’s severing of the German supply lines around Christmas, and Patton’s counter-offensive.

Next, the bitter defeat sustained by Patton’s Third U.S. Army in the tank battle at Bastogne, and several other German victories in tank battles that have previously been covered up in history writing, how the Luftwaffe actually gained air superiority, and the German offensive restarted in January 1945. Although the bloody battles in January 1945 cost both sides higher losses per day than in December 1944, they have been neglected in previous history writing. Here they are described in detail. The reason why the Ardennes Offensive failed is discussed, as are its quite significant repercussions.

  • Over 300 photographs
  • Many clear maps
  • QR codes with links to film clips from the actual battle
  • Appendices

The Ardennes 1944-1945 has been published in numerous languages: French, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, and Chinese. New foreign editions are about to emerge.

Published in December 2020!

Price per volume: £39.00 / $52.00 USD /43.90 EUR / 67.90 Canadian dollar / 70.90 AUS dollar / 449 SEK

Price per volume: £72.00 / $99.00 USD /84.90 EUR / 845 SEK

Order your personally signed copy from the author at

See the concluding Volume II here.

845.00 kr

The Ardennes 1944-1945 – Hitler’s Winter Offensive Revisited, Volume II


When Christer Bergström published the first English edition of his ground-breaking mammoth work The Ardennes 1944-1945: Hitler’s Winter Offensive in 2014, it hit the World War II community with the impact of an earthquake. Based upon tremendous research into primary sources and interviews with very many of the veterans, this book turned the previous image of the Battle of the Bulge completely upside-down.

Although tearing apart many myths that surrounded this battle it has hardly received any negative criticism – with such scrutiny has the author treated the sources and source references. This book has been called the new main reference work on the battle. It still remains at the very edge of historical research on this epic battle.

Especially the veterans from the Battle of the Bulge have praised the work as completely outstanding.

”At last a book which tells the truth about the Battle of the Bulge. It was a living hell!”

– That was the reaction on the book by Cornelius French, a veteran from U.S. 6th Armored Division ”The Super Sixth” in the Battle of the Bulge. This reaction is the typical by the many veterans from both sides that have read the book.

Among other overwhelmingly positive reviews, here is a small sample:

”The book is a tremendously accurate portrayal of a pivotal WWII winter battle in unforgiving forested terrain. Thank you very much for your effort.”

– Review by U.S. veteran from the Battle of the Bulge Colonel John M. Nolan, 30th Infantry Division.

”Overall, Bergstrom’s book probably ranks as the single best volume, with the most meat, the most photos, the best ancillary material, and the best maps.”

– Review by Bill Stone at Stone & Stone Second World War Books, 21 December 2014.

”I have never read a more outstanding World War II book. The most interesting thing about the book is that some previous assertions have to be revised, such as that the Battle of the Bulge was over when the Patton relieved Bastogne. Other news is that Manteuffel considered the plan to be ’brilliant.’ There is much, much more of the same kind! Many myths are convincingly dispelled. It is amazing how the author has been able to obtain all this credible and detailed information.”

– Review by Lars Navander, lieutenant colonel and former Intelligence Officer at the Swedish Headquarters.

Read more reviews on the book by clicking here.

The first two editions of The Ardennes 1944-1945, a mammoth book of over 500 pages in A4 size, have been sold out. With this new edition, the book is divided into two volumes.

Volume I  (which will also be published in November 2020)deals with the background of and the build-up for the offensive, the surprising German strike, and the tremendous – and previously overlooked – German successes during the first period of the offensive. The previously covered-up German successes and American failures are presented and detailed and carefully analyzed.

The new Volume II deals with various turning points in the battle:

First the failure of SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper, the Allied Air Force’s severing of the German supply lines around Christmas, and Patton’s counter-offensive.

Next, the bitter defeat sustained by Patton’s Third U.S. Army in the tank battle at Bastogne, and several other German victories in tank battles that have previously been covered up in history writing, how the Luftwaffe actually gained air superiority, and the German offensive restarted in January 1945. Although the bloody battles in January 1945 cost both sides higher losses per day than in December 1944, they have been neglected in previous history writing. Here they are described in detail. The reason why the Ardennes Offensive failed is discussed, as are its quite significant repercussions.

  • 270 pages in each volume
  • Size: A4 (large size)
  • Hard cover
  • Over 300 photographs in total
  • Several clear maps
  • QR codes with links to film clips from the actual battle
  • Appendices

The Ardennes 1944-1945 has been published in numerous languages: French, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, and Chinese. New foreign editions are about to emerge.

Published in January 2021!

Price per volume: £72.00 / $99.00 USD /84.90 EUR / 845 SEK

Order your personally signed copy from the author at

See Volume I here.

845.00 kr

The Ardennes 1944-1945: Hitler’s Winter Offensive

Available from November 2020: The Ardennes 1944-1945 – Hitler's Winter Offensive Revisited, Volume I

The Ardennes 1944-1945 – Hitler's Winter Offensive Revisited, Volume II


This book has become the main reference work on the Battle of the Bulge. Christer Bergström has interviewed veterans, gone through huge amounts of archive material, and performed on-the-spot research in the area. The result is a large amount of previously unpublished material and new findings and the most accurate picture yet of what really transpired.

”I have never read a more outstanding World War II book.”

– Review by Lars Navander, lieutenant colonel and former Intelligence Officer at the Swedish Headquarters

Read more reviews on the book by clicking here.

900.00 kr

Tyska flygare under andra världskriget : veteranernas berättelser Del 1

Hur var det att vara flygare i Hitlers Luftwaffe under andra världskriget? I denna bok ger veteranerna själva svaret på detta. Christer Bergström har i fem decennier genomfört mängder av resor i bl.a. Tyskland för att besöka och intervjua pilotveteraner. Här återger han vad veteranerna själva berättade – ofta sådant som inte brukar förekomma i vanliga böcker om kriget. Boken är rikt illustrerad med bl.a. aldrig tidigare publicerade bilder från veteranernas privata fotoalbum.


Ur Bibliotekstjänsts recension av Tyska flygare Del 1:

”Välskriven och medryckande … rikt illustrerad med bland annat bilder från veteranernas privata fotoalbum. Den är också späckad med fakta och statistik i ett antal bilagor. Christer Bergström är en internationellt ledande expert på Luftwaffe under andra världskriget. Han har studerat ämnet i decennier och skrivit ett flertal utmärkta böcker i ämnet.”

–  Tord Rönnholm, BTJ-häftet nr 24, 2018.

400.00 kr

Utan ånger : SS-veteranen som grundade Sverigedemokraterna

Nu har den kommit: Boken som  visar hur det otvetydigt går en brun tråd från Sverigedemokraterna och direkt tillbaka till den nazistiska Förintelsen.


Baserad på en grundläggande och mångårig forskning i tyska och svenska arkiv presenteras här den sanna historien om nazisten och SS-soldaten som var med och grundade Sverigedemokraterna!


Just nu erbjuder Vaktel förlag skolor och utbildningsinstitutioner, studieförbund etc, att inköpa klassuppsättningar av boken för 30 kr/st. Beställningar om minst 20 ex. Kontakta Vaktel förlag på vår e-postadress.

349.00 kr